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Green Home Living

June 23, 2021

Enjoy the benefits today and in the future.

solar panels gleaming in the sunlight

Green home living is a win-win proposition. As a homeowner today, you can enjoy eco-friendly luxury and energy efficiency. When the time comes to sell, you will discover that green homes sell faster and for more money than homes without energy-efficient designations.

The key is to concentrate on the green improvement projects that benefit you now and in the future.

What do homebuyers say about green homes?

The National Association of Home Builders cited energy-efficient features among the top homebuyer must-haves. Their survey found the most-desired features are:

  • Energy Star-rated windows: 89%
  • Energy Star-rated appliances: 86%
  • Energy Star rating for the entire home: 81%
  • Energy-efficient lighting: 77%
  • Triple-pane insulating glass windows: 77%

Key Green Home Investments

These green improvements can raise the value of your home:

Air conditioners

The South Florida weather can mean high temperatures and humidity. Your home’s cooling needs to be in top shape at all times. With near-constant running, energy-efficient air conditioning is a huge plus. If buying new, look for systems with high Energy Star ratings.
If refitting an existing system, look for ways to integrate smart features, like Wi-Fi that lets you control the unit from your phone, create daily schedules, establish automatic temperature settings for specific rooms, and flag potential issues like filter replacements.


Compact fluorescent lighting (CFL) bulbs last ten times longer than incandescent bulbs. By consuming 75% less energy, CFL bulbs also reduce carbon dioxide in the air.

Appliances & electronics

Using Energy-star rated appliances, electronics, and lighting fixtures greatly reduces your home’s energy usage. When it’s time to replace, make Energy-star ratings a priority.

Solar rooftop panels

Solar panels have evolved in many ways since first introduced for residential homes. Installing rooftop panels allows you to boost your property’s passive energy, storing excess power for future use. They’ve also come a long way in terms of style and easily blend into any modern design.

Our goal is to give you extraordinary access to the exceptional South Florida tropical lifestyle.

The Barkin-Gilman team is ready to exceed your expectations.

Contact us today to get started.


1416-1418 NE 6th St Fort Lauderdale

LUXURY redefined in this NEW CONSTRUCTION city home. Every curated detail will exceed today's lifestyle with unparalleled custom design accents

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